Time: 6:00 PM – 6:50 PM
Taught By: Jennifer Gooding
Level: Age 6+
Cost: Call Jennifer Gooding at 410-757-8860 (studio) or email annapolisdanceacademy@gmail.com for details.
Location: 67 Chautaugua Road, Arnold, Maryland
This class will focus mainly on Hip Hop dance styles along with foundations in ballet & ballroom and other forms of jazz. Age Appropriate moves and music. Class is independent of the parent. Featuring music from Dancely.
Girls: Any leotard & tan tights (may have skirt attached), hair up off face, ballet or jazz shoes.Boys: any t shirt and any color pants or shorts, black jazz shoes
Tuition includes Costume rentals and recital fees. Discounts given for taking multiple classes per week. Sibling and Military discounts also available.
Policy: There are no make ups for missed classes including for inclement weather.
TO REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS: PLEASE CALL JENNIFER @ 410-757-8860 OR EMAIL @ annapolisdanceacademy@gmail.com.