Annapolis Dance Academy offers Ballroom, Hip Hop and Ballet/Tap/Jazz classes by way of our showstoppers class. Kids are encouraged to take more than one style of dance to not only get great exercise but also to become well rounded dancers. Great for kids who want to do musical theater as well. Ages do overlap in these categories to adjust for kids previous dance experience and level. Talk with Jennifer about what class or classes may fit with your child’s goals and needs.
Modern Groove & Tap: Ballet/Tap/Jazz/Hip Hop for kids age 6-10
Hip Hop: Age appropriate Hip Hop with Ballet/Jazz foundations for kids Age 8-17.
Ballroom for Kids: Age 6+ Social through Competitive Ballroom
Showstoppers: Age 10+: These kids do it all. Ballet/Tap/Jazz/Hip Hop/Ballroom. Kids are encouraged to take this class along with either the Ballroom for kids class or Hip Hop class to have more studio time to develop their skills.
Musical Theater Dance Camps: Kids learn about the entire experience from dance to show concept, design, mic help, playbill, etc.